#Yii_tips: How to the get current page in CListView from partial rendering view?
Updated July 12, 2013 ● 1,937 views
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There are special variables available to the partial rendering view in CListView. These are:
- $data - the current object or hash being rendered
- $index - the zero-based index of the item being rendered (0, 1, 2, ...)
- $this - the owner of the widget, usually the calling controller
- $widget - the CListView widget itself
From partial rendering view, you can access currentPage, pageCount, count of data in the current page. Here's how you can get it:
$pageCount = $widget->dataProvider->pagination->pageCount;
$currentPage = $widget->dataProvider->pagination->currentPage + 1;
$dataCount = count($widget->dataProvider->data);
Welcome to dizkover ram66. This is a pretty good Yii tip. Thanks for sharing!
master_yii · 11 years agopermalink · reply (1)
@master_yii: Thanks..
ram66 · 11 years agopermalink · reply
Very helpful Yii tip! This actually helped me because i've trying to figure out how to properly do partial render of a table in CListView.
Prakash1 · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)