See these girls party like crazy! Pretty hilarious or maybe sad for some... #CrazyPartyGirls #WTF

Updated July 1, 2014 ● 2,011 views
See these girls party like crazy! Pretty hilarious or maybe sad for some... #CrazyPartyGirls #WTF
She wants you to join the party... I would certainly oblige!

I like partying and I've been crazy on the dance floor too. But I don't recall being crazy like these girls on this gif!

They must be on something to party like there's no tomorrow. Is this over the top or just plain awesome group of people partying?

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But for sure, I would definitely hangout with these girls. They surely know how to have fun. Specially that blonde chick who seems to be an expert on something else she's demonstrating on her dance move. LOL

1.) OMG!

2.) What the....?
What the....?

3.) I don't know what she's imagining she's grabbing with her hand
I don't know what she's imagining she's grabbing with her hand

4.) Ok... I get it now. ;)
Ok... I get it now. ;)

5.) Ohh yeah!!! Success!?
Ohh yeah!!! Success!?

6.) I don't know about this one...
I don't know about this one...

7.) Om nom nommmm... she want's more
Om nom nommmm... she want's more

8.) Now let's play the whole sequence
Now let's play the whole sequence



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These girls are obviously high...

I couldn't imagine partying like these except when I'm on ecstacy... These girls are not really dancing... they just acting stupid. Lols

thomas · 10 years ago
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