#ViolenceIsViolence: 40% Of Domestic Violence Is Suffered By Men Who Are Not Man Enough

Updated June 26, 2014 ● 520 views

What would you do when you see a man abusing a woman in public?

In this video, you will see almost everyone will intervene and even threaten to call the police on you.

But how about when you see a woman abusing a man in public?

In this video, noone even cared and you can see some of them are even laughing.

The conclusion is people think it's amusing when a man gets beat up by a woman. And it's serious when a man is abusing a woman. There goes gender equality. And that's just right in my opinion.

I would also laugh when I see a man let a woman abuse him in public. You are not a man if you let a woman abuse you. And I think this is the reason why people will just smile at the situation.

I don't know the point of this video but, in society, people expect a man to be a man. And you will be a laughing stock of the society if you let yourself in a situation where a woman abuses you.

So be a man.


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