Pro Skier Ian McIntosh Miraculously Survives 1,600 Foot Fall
November 13, 2015 ● 577 views
Any videos.
Pro skiing veteran, Ian McIntosh, narrowly escapes death after falling 1,600 fett while filming Paradise Waits up in the Neacola range of Alaska. TGR Co Founder, Todd Jones, says "it was the most terrifying crash I've ever seen."
Pro Skier Ian McIntosh Miraculously Survives 1,600 Foot Fall
November 13, 2015 ● 577 views
Any videos.
Pro skiing veteran, Ian McIntosh, narrowly escapes death after falling 1,600 fett while filming Paradise Waits up in the Neacola range of Alaska. TGR Co Founder, Todd Jones, says "it was the most terrifying crash I've ever seen."