#YosemiteEngagement mystery solved! Photographer found couple after viral search
October 30, 2018 ● 356 views
October 30, 2018 ● 356 views
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via cnn.com
The photographer whose photo of an engagement in Yosemite National Parksparked a viral search, says he's found the mystery couple. Matthew Dippel was getting ready to take a picture of a friend at Yosemite's Taft Point earlier this month, when he saw a man get on one knee to propose to a woman.
The couple captured in the beautiful engagement photo was Charlie Bear and his now-fiance Melissa. They stumbled on the photo last week when the photographer shared it on Instagram and was shared multiple times.
Beautiful ❤️
That was just beautiful. That's what you call The Proposal.
Kris · 6 years agopermalink · reply (0)