#Tech: #iPhone: How much top paid apps make per day?

Updated July 12, 2013 ● 442 views
#Tech: #iPhone: How much top paid apps make per day?

Ever wonder how some apps make it into the iTunes App Store’s Top 10 list? Obviously they’re popular apps, that much is a given, but if you wanted the semantics, a study conducted by Distimo has suggested that for an app to make it into the Top 10 grossing apps, it would require the app to bring in $47,000 every day in paid downloads! That’s a lot of money! For apps that just want to break it into the Top 10 list, they are required to be downloaded at least 4,000 times a day. For free apps, the magic number is expected to be 72,000 a day.

Now that's a lot of money!

via ubergizmo.com


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