Ingestible smart pills are a hard act to swallow | #health#tech
Updated July 12, 2013 ● 488 views
They look like normal pills, oblong and a little smaller than a daily vitamin. But if your doctor writes a prescription for these pills in the not-too-distant future, you might hear a new twist on an old cliche: "Take two of these ingestible computers, and they will email me in the morning."
Ingestible smart pills are a hard act to swallow | #health #tech
Updated July 12, 2013 ● 488 views
They look like normal pills, oblong and a little smaller than a daily vitamin. But if your doctor writes a prescription for these pills in the not-too-distant future, you might hear a new twist on an old cliche: "Take two of these ingestible computers, and they will email me in the morning."