Millions asked for it, and Microsoft is providing it: the old Start Menu is coming back. Kind of. At its Build conference today, Microsoft announced a new Start Menu that looks like a hybrid of the best of Windows 7 and Windows 8.
Millions asked for it because, Windows 8, is frustrating to use for desktip users. It's a failure for Windows update. It's right there along Vista.
The first time I used Windows 8, I got confused. Confused because I was looking for the Start Menu. Removing the Start Menu is the worst decision they ever made.
They made Windows 8 with the touch in mind. Come on now, desktop users don't use touch when they work. They use a mouse! When desktop users launch programs, they look at the program name, not tiles.
Microsoft probably is probably losing a lot of users. So they wisen up and listened to millions of their users frustrated over the Start Menu.
#Microsoft is bringing the Start Menu back
Updated April 4, 2014 ● 1,013 views
Millions asked for it because, Windows 8, is frustrating to use for desktip users. It's a failure for Windows update. It's right there along Vista.
The first time I used Windows 8, I got confused. Confused because I was looking for the Start Menu. Removing the Start Menu is the worst decision they ever made.
They made Windows 8 with the touch in mind. Come on now, desktop users don't use touch when they work. They use a mouse! When desktop users launch programs, they look at the program name, not tiles.
Microsoft probably is probably losing a lot of users. So they wisen up and listened to millions of their users frustrated over the Start Menu.