The 'Back To The Future' Hoverboard Is Now Real!

Updated August 5, 2015 ● 1,188 views

Back To The Future was one of the most iconic movies of the 80's. It stars Michael J. Fox as a time traveller on a car that could fly.

In Back To The Future Part II, it was 2015 when the movie featured the hoverboard. How cool would it be knowing that every kid can now ride a board basically on any surface.

Well it's 2015 and Lexus made hoverboard a real thing! They call it 'SLIDE'.

So how did Lexus developed the SLIDE hoverboard?

Lexus assembled maglev technology into a board, to finding the right combination of superconductors, magnets and liquid nitrogen. 

The hoverboard is constructed from an insulated core, containing HTSLs (high temperature superconducting blocks). These are housed in cryostats - reservoirs of liquid nitrogen that cool the superconductors to -197°C. The board is then placed above a track containing permanent magnets. When the board is cooled to its operating temperature the track’s magnetic flux lines are ‘pinned’ into place, maintaining the hover height of the board.




While it's amazing... you can only ride this board in a park that is designed for this hoverboard. The park is required to be laid with magnets in order to levitate the board.

Dagger · 9 years ago
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