Tony Romo's final throw was to Terrance Williams for a touchdown against the Eagles... we wish you the best Romo!
Updated April 5, 2017 ● 683 views
Updated April 5, 2017 ● 683 views
Tony Romo shocks the sports world and announced that he is retiring to pursue sports broadcasting. Tony Romo, the Dallas Cowboy quarertback is heading to CBS.
So let's all reminisce the last time we saw Tony Romo in action. It was last year against the Philadelphia Eagles. He was the backup to Dak Prescott and we all know the story. His first action of the regular season was on the playoffs where he made his final throw to Terrance Willams for a touchdown.
Tony Romo is considered by a lot of people to be one of the best quarterback who is troubled by injuries.
We wish you the best Romo!
Thank you Tony!
rossdboss123 · 7 years agopermalink · reply (0)
He was one of the best... if not because of injuries he would have probably gotten a ring.
Goodluck Tony!
AtomBomb · 7 years agopermalink · reply (0)
Shocking news! I was hoping he would go to the Broncos... 😲
pete808 · 7 years agopermalink · reply (0)