Holly Holm Knocked Out Ronda Rousey at UFC 193!

Updated November 18, 2015 ● 2,886 views
Holly Holm Knocked Out Ronda Rousey at UFC 193!
Holly Holm Knocked Out Ronda Rousey

On a stunning upset at UFC 193, Holly Holm knocked out Ronda Rousey on a kick to the head!

1.) Holly Holm Defeated Ronda Rousey at UFC 193!
Holly Holm Defeated Ronda Rousey at UFC 193!

2.) Holly Holm Head Kick To Ronda Rousey
Holly Holm Head Kick To Ronda Rousey

3.) Holly Holm Head Kick To Ronda Rousey
Holly Holm Head Kick To Ronda Rousey

4.) Holly Holm New Champion!
Holly Holm New Champion!



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WOW... I couldn't believe Ronda was being so careless

I watched it and I couldn't believe how Ronda just keep on pushing without any strategy. She got tagged several times in round 1. And I knew if Ronda will not change her strategy she will get caught. And she did.

Cryon · 9 years ago
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@Cryon: Yeah. Holly Holm is a different fighter. She's a much skilled fighter compared ro Ronda's past opponents. Ronda seems predictable and get caught with a punch several times.

JJfad · 9 years ago
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How can she beat Mayweather?

She couldn't even get pass Holly Holm. Holly made her face like a punching bag in Round 1. If she didn't get knocked by a kick on Round 2, her pretty face would have been probably not gonna be pretty by Round 3.

I hope by getting this embarassing knock out, she'll learn how to be more humble like Holly.

Robber · 9 years ago
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UFC 193: Holly Holm Octagon Interview []

Here's Holly Holm being interviewed by Joe Rogan after her win against Ronda Rousey at UFC93!

Robber · 9 years ago
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Ronda Rousey vs. Holly Holm - UFC 193 Highlights []

Here's Holly Holm's head kick that put Ronda Rousey to sleep!

Robber · 9 years ago
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