Want some one to talk with ? Add Thasro
Updated November 7, 2014 ● 521 views
Updated November 7, 2014 ● 521 views
This channel is for all users of Snapchat. Share your snapchat photos and add hashtags accordingly.
Channel Rules:
- Real photos only. e.g. selfies.
- No nudity.
- All other photos will be deleted.
Add hashtags that is relevant to your post. If you add a hashtag that is not appropriate for your post, your post might be deleted.
Example Hashtags:
- #Girls - photos of girls on snapchat
- #Guys - photos of guys on snapchat
- #Creative - creative photos on snapchat
What is Snapchat?
Snapchat is a photo and video messaging application available in iPhone and Android. Using the Snapchat, users can take photos, record videos, add text and drawings, and send them to a controlled list of recipients. These sent photographs and videos are known as "Snaps". Users set a time limit for how long recipients can view their Snaps, after which they will be deleted from Snapchat's servers.
*Go to Dizkover Match for more Snapchat usernames.

all of your pics are the same.....
AlexBryant21 · 10 years agopermalink · reply (2)
@AlexBryant21: cause This one was for the kik users tho, cant see the problem of posting the same pic twice 😘
Thasro · 10 years agopermalink · reply
@Thasro: I was only curious because It's the same picture different filter...
AlexBryant21 · 10 years agopermalink · reply