#SnapchatNotice: Add Your Snapchat Usernames Here

Updated June 28, 2014 ● 488 views

Attention Snapchat Users:

We need to cleanup this Snapchat channel. There are too many individual posts of usernames on this main channel. It's not creating any discussions. Channels are created for the purpose of discussions only. 

What you can post on Snapchat channel:

  1. You can post questions about Snapchat.
  2. You can start discussions about Snapchat.
  3. You can post article about Snapchat.
  4. You can post list of interesting people on Snapchat.
  5. You can post photos.

What you cannot post on Snapchat channel:

  1. Posting your username and asking people to add you.

Where to post your Snapchat usernames?

The place to add your username is the Snapchat Usernames section.

From now on, please stop posting your individual usernames on this main channel.


If you still want to announce your snapchat usernames:

Go ahead and reply below with your username. You can also reply on this popular post "List of #Snapchat usernameswith your username:


Thank you for complying.



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