#TheVoice: Miley Cyrus picks Genavieve of Michigan to go on Finale

Updated September 5, 2016 ● 1,264 views
#TheVoice: Miley Cyrus picks Genavieve of Michigan to go on Finale

In Week 3 of The Voice on Snapchat, Miley Cyrus picks her finalist to go on The Voice Finale. 

The top four auditions on Snapchat were Madi, Genavieve, Casey all three from Michigan and Elisha from Alabama.

After short consultation between fellow judges Alicia Keys, Adam Levine, and Blake Shelton, Miley picked Genavieve who sang Demi Lovato's "Stone Cold".





Who else here is #TeamMiley?

Becky · 7 years ago
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