Is this guy the Michelangelo of Snapchat? Follow @shonduras and find out
Updated April 14, 2014 ● 5,136 views
This channel is for all users of Snapchat. Share your snapchat photos and add hashtags accordingly.
Channel Rules:
Real photos only. e.g. selfies.
No nudity.
All other photos will be deleted.
Add hashtags that is relevant to your post. If you add a hashtag that is not appropriate for your post, your post might be deleted.
Example Hashtags:
#Girls - photos of girls on snapchat
#Guys - photos of guys on snapchat
#Creative - creative photos on snapchat
What is Snapchat?
Snapchat is a photo and video messaging application available in iPhone and Android. Using the Snapchat, users can take photos, record videos, add text and drawings, and send them to a controlled list of recipients. These sent photographs and videos are known as "Snaps". Users set a time limit for how long recipients can view their Snaps, after which they will be deleted from Snapchat's servers.
His name is Shaun McBride. He's a 26-year-old sales rep for snowboard companies and he has become an expert in snapchat doodling. Check some of his snaps in imgur.
Since Michael Platco was already anointed as the Van Gogh of Snapchat, let's refer to Shaun as the 'Micahelangelo of Snapchat'. Looking at his snapchat doodles, we can tell he's good in using his fingers. Ladies would love that!
With the increasing popularity of snapchat, I guess it's time to brush my fingering skills. At some point in time, big time advertisers will start to capitalized in the exploding number of users of snapchat.
And where these advertisers will go? Obviously, to people like Michale Platco and Shaun McBride who are getting a lot of followers day by day.
So for you guys out there who just keeps sending wieners on snapchat, send some real doodles. You might become the 'da Vinci of Snapchat'.
Is this guy the Michelangelo of Snapchat? Follow @shonduras and find out
Updated April 14, 2014 ● 5,136 views
This channel is for all users of Snapchat. Share your snapchat photos and add hashtags accordingly.
Channel Rules:
Add hashtags that is relevant to your post. If you add a hashtag that is not appropriate for your post, your post might be deleted.
Example Hashtags:
What is Snapchat?
Snapchat is a photo and video messaging application available in iPhone and Android. Using the Snapchat, users can take photos, record videos, add text and drawings, and send them to a controlled list of recipients. These sent photographs and videos are known as "Snaps". Users set a time limit for how long recipients can view their Snaps, after which they will be deleted from Snapchat's servers.
*Go to Dizkover Match for more Snapchat usernames.
His name is Shaun McBride. He's a 26-year-old sales rep for snowboard companies and he has become an expert in snapchat doodling. Check some of his snaps in imgur.
Since Michael Platco was already anointed as the Van Gogh of Snapchat, let's refer to Shaun as the 'Micahelangelo of Snapchat'. Looking at his snapchat doodles, we can tell he's good in using his fingers. Ladies would love that!
With the increasing popularity of snapchat, I guess it's time to brush my fingering skills. At some point in time, big time advertisers will start to capitalized in the exploding number of users of snapchat.
And where these advertisers will go? Obviously, to people like Michale Platco and Shaun McBride who are getting a lot of followers day by day.
So for you guys out there who just keeps sending wieners on snapchat, send some real doodles. You might become the 'da Vinci of Snapchat'.
Check out some of his snapchat drawings.