Samsung Smartphones Will Use Google Play Music as the Default Music App
Updated August 1, 2018 ● 409 views
Updated August 1, 2018 ● 409 views
This channel are all about smartphones.

Samsung is giving Google Play Music a big push. Today, coinciding with the retail launch of the Galaxy S8, both companies announced that Google’s music app will become the preferred music player on Samsung mobile devices. The partnership kicks off immediately with the S8. But it technically began a year ago; Play Music was also the default music playback app on the Galaxy S7, a result of Samsung trying to cut down on duplicate apps that clashed with Google’s services on Android
This will be a huge a boost for Google Play Music...
But I still like my Spotify. And my phone is actually iPhone... haha
Cryon · 7 years agopermalink · reply (0)