Brightest Explosion In the Universe Ever Seen Defies Astronomy Theories | #Space
November 23, 2013 ● 483 views
A mysterious blast of light spotted earlier this year near the constellation Leo was actually the brightest gamma-ray burst ever recorded, and was triggered by an extremely powerful stellar explosion, new research reports. On April 27, several satellites - including NASA's Swift satellite and Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope - observed an unusually bright burst of gamma radiation.
Brightest Explosion In the Universe Ever Seen Defies Astronomy Theories | #Space
November 23, 2013 ● 483 views
A mysterious blast of light spotted earlier this year near the constellation Leo was actually the brightest gamma-ray burst ever recorded, and was triggered by an extremely powerful stellar explosion, new research reports. On April 27, several satellites - including NASA's Swift satellite and Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope - observed an unusually bright burst of gamma radiation.