#TrumpBaby balloon takes flight in #London protests

July 13, 2018 ● 327 views
#TrumpBaby balloon takes flight in #London protests

A giant balloon of "Trump Baby" in a diaper took flight over Britain's Houses of Parliament Friday, kicking off a day of widespread protests against the US leader's controversial visit to the UK.

The orange-hued blimp was inflated in Parliament Square at about 9.30 a.m. as a crowd of onlookers cheered. As the air filled the six-meter (20-feet) ballon, it rose slowly into the air.

It flew at a height of about 30 meters (98 feet) for two hours, fluttering over Westminster Abbey and high above the statutes of prominent historical figures including Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi and Millicent Fawcett.

via cnn.com


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