Trump Caught Making up Stories of People Praising Him
August 3, 2017 ● 454 views
August 3, 2017 ● 454 views
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In President Donald Trump's telling, officials from Mexico City to Boy Scouts headquarters are lighting up his phone line with praise. CNN's Anderson Cooper breaks down these claims.
Why don't they just admit Trump likes spreading FAKE NEWS?
If that phone call did not happen, I'm pretty sure that conversation did not happen as well. Besides, the Boy Scout officials apologized. Why would they apologize for his political speech and then praise him? The apology was real since it was published... the praise must be fake news.
President Trump likes calling the media fake... but he constantly tells fake stories.
awesome8 · 7 years agopermalink · reply (0)
So Trump lies... what a surprise!
Robber · 7 years agopermalink · reply (0)