John Oliver highlights where President Trump get his lies

Updated February 13, 2017 ● 360 views

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver tackled a subject that confuses a lot of people and excites a few.

He talks about Donald Trump and why he lies all the time.

On his show he highlights all the lies Donald Trump has told even before he dicided to run for President. Even when Trump was just a businessman, he lied about the number of floors in his Trump Tower. Trump inflated the number of his tower's floors to 68 when in fact it only has 58. A lie just to make his building more appealing.

President Trump also lied about an event in his innauguration when he said it almost rained and God prevented it from happening. But the fact is, it did rain on his innauguration with clear evidence showing his front audience holding an umbrella and wearing pancho's.

The question that probably is in the mind of confused people is why President Trump lies all the time. The answer is, he gets a lot of his information from proven fake news sites which is Breitbart News and InfoWars.

Watch the whole segment and get enlightened.



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Wow Sandy Hook was fake???

The dumbest thing about Sandy Hook Truthers is their alleged reason - the government staged a massacre so they could take away guns. That is beyond stupid. I know 100% - if there was literally a school shooting every day, there would still be no gun control.

awesome8 · 7 years ago
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The problem with Trump lying all the time is that his voters believe him

And that trust from his followers reinforces his flawed thought and ideas.

HenryD · 7 years ago
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@HenryD: That means we are doomed if people don't do something before things get worst!

Cryon · 7 years ago
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Trump and his voters are people who believe facts are whatever they want facts to be. If something to the contrary ever presented it's fake



nowayjose · 7 years ago
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