Snoop Dogg live Periscope broadcast from Las Vegas with a topless burlesque

Updated April 1, 2015 ● 2,625 views
Snoop Dogg live Periscope broadcast  from Las Vegas with a topless burlesque
Snoop Dogg Periscope Las Vegas

If you have not downloaded Periscope, you're missing a lot of the action. A lot of Twitter users are starting to use Periscope to broadcast live wherever they are. 

In particular, one user on Periscope broadcasted live Snoop Dogg perfromance from Las Vegas. And up on the stage is a topless performer! I guess what happens in Vegas will now happen on Periscope!



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Wow... Periscope is pretty cool!

You get all access to concerts. Awesome!

awesome8 · 9 years ago
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My man snoop dawg!

tomford · 9 years ago
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