#Sports: #Aaron_Hernandez investigated in 2012 double slaying | #NFL
Updated July 12, 2013 ● 695 views
Updated July 12, 2013 ● 695 views
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via cnn.com
Aaron Hernandez, the former NFL tight end charged with murder in the death last week of an acquaintance, is now being investigated in connection with a double slaying in Boston's South End in July 2012, a law enforcement source close to the investigation told CNN.
Aaron Hernandez just signed a $40 million contract. You can take all the money in the world and redistribute it, but in 10 years it would end up back in the same people's hands. People that work hard and have morals.
Dagger · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)
So Aaron Hernandez, was released by the New England Patriots just last Wednesday after his arrest. I feel bad for these sports guys. I'm a Patriots fan. What a waste if this is true.
RyanZ · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)
Looks like Aaron Hernandez killed Lloyd to make sure he kept quiet about Hernandez' previous activities.
The amazing thing is that, even with all the stupid things Hernandez did in the recent murder, the cops weren't able to finger him previously for the 2012 murders.
HenryD · 11 years agopermalink · reply (3)
@HenryD: he did. That's why he destroyed evidence.
Ronn · 11 years agopermalink · reply
@HenryD: we still don't know. Innocent til proven guilty.
DennisM · 11 years agopermalink · reply
@DennisM: well, why would he destroy the evidence??
Ronn · 11 years agopermalink · reply
Well on the bright side all of this has taken the heat off the Patriots for the Tim Tebow signing...
permalink · reply (0)
If Hernandez would just talk to the police he would not be berated with rumors and speculation. You cannot complain about the media coverage that you are creating.
DennisM · 11 years agopermalink · reply (1)
@DennisM: he won't talk because he will end up incriminating himself.
Ronn · 11 years agopermalink · reply
Gronk = Always hurt
Hernandez = 15 to life
Goodbye Patriots dominate TEs
Too bad Tebows ego is too large for him to play any position other than QB
Ronn · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)
Apparently he thought he was making good choices. Society thinks differently. He's way past the point where he could learn differently - he'll probably still be involved in crime from inside whatever prison he ends up in, and I'd bet he grew up with the idea that that's exactly where he would end up. Self-fulfilling prophecy.
Timmy · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)