Snowden Is a Spy | #NSA #Snowden

Updated July 12, 2013 ● 497 views
Snowden Is a Spy | #NSA #Snowden


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Snowden is a narcissist who believes he's the savior of the people. But the fact is he's just clueless on how government works. He's trying to bring the US government down.

David · 11 years ago
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@David: i agree with you.

JayZ · 11 years ago
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If Edward Snowden is such a great proponent of freedom and individual freedom from Government intrusion / surveillance, then why did he choose China and Russia as his first two destinations? They are the most oppressive countries when it comes to personal freedom and surveillance. Also, do people think that the security apparatus of both countries haven't extracted all the data from the computers and chip files he is supposed to be carrying? And people think this guy is a hero? To basically make some of our most important security efforts available to those two countries who still are our biggest adversaries. I am amazed... I am a progressive liberal but this kind of treason has no place in my political sensibilities!

awesome8 · 11 years ago
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@awesome8: Snowden is a kid who lucks judgment. One day he will realize he was wrong to betray our country!

DennisM · 11 years ago
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We have a magnificent president (Barack Obama) and I am proud of him. Edward Snowden is a traitor and a thief who wants to sellout our country to the Russians and Chinese.

DennisM · 11 years ago
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He is a spy. No question about it.

Alex · 11 years ago
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His actions could endanger US citizens. And why go to China and Russia with this information? It seems he's a narcissist running to save his own butt at this point.

JayZ · 11 years ago
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Snowden reminds me of someone in high school that everyone picks on. Someone who wants to be popular but does the wrong way that people actually hated him.

HenryD · 11 years ago
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The American Gov't has collected information on Americans for years, decades even. It isn't the collection process that is the issue. The controversey is about whether we are becoming a police state.

Zeebo · 11 years ago
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I think he's just trying to serve the people. Unlike some of the politicians.

DevGuru1 · 11 years ago
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You gotta love this guy. He is like Houdini. Noone seems to know where he is. He's the best spy i've known.

Conman · 11 years ago
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Spy? I see him more of a patriot!

Imahoe · 11 years ago
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