Michael Avenatti arrested by Los Angeles police for alleged domestic abuse. #MichaelAvenatti

Updated November 15, 2018 ● 564 views
Michael Avenatti arrested by Los Angeles police for alleged domestic abuse. #MichaelAvenatti

Michael Avenatti, the attorney for porn star Stormy Daniels and one of President Donald Trump's chief antagonists, has been arrested on suspicion of felony domestic abuse, multiple senior law enforcement officials told NBC News on Wednesday.

via nbcnews.com


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I don't think he's running on 2020

Democrats were polled on who they'd support for president in 2020, and Avenatti came in with zero percent of the vote, as I remember. We already elected one shameless self-promoter with zero government experience to the White House, we don't need another.

thomas · 5 years ago
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This isn't Avenatti's first brush with misogyny...

He caused a stir last month when he said during an interview that the Democratic Party's 2020 nominee "better be a white male." Because only another white man could beat Trump, he said.

Will · 5 years ago
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