Trump Fires Jeff Sessions
Updated November 7, 2018 ● 716 views
Updated November 7, 2018 ● 716 views

President Donald Trump on Wednesday fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Matthew Whitaker will take over as acting attorney general.
"At your request I am submitting my resignation," Sessions wrote in a letter to White House chief of staff John Kelly.
Jeff Session Resignation Letter:
Dear Mr. President, At your request, I am submitting my resignation. Since the day I was honored to be sworn in as Attorney General of the United States, I came to work at the Department ofJustice every day determined to do my duty and serve my country. I have done so to the best of my ability, working to support the fundamental legal processes that are the foundation of justice. The team we assembled embraced your directive to be a law and order Department of Justice. We prosecuted the largest number of violent offenders and ?rearm defendants in our country's history. We took on transnational gangs that are bringing violence and death across our borders and protected national security. We did our part to restore immigration enforcement. We targeted the opioid epidemic by prosecuting doctors, pharmacists, and anyone else who contributes to this crisis with new law enforcement tools and determination. And we have seen results. After two years of rising violent crime and homicides prior to this administration, those trends have reversed - thanks to the hard work ofour prosecutors and law enforcement around the country. I am particularly grateful to the fabulous men and women in law enforcement all over this country with whom I have served. I have had no greater honor than to serve alongside them. As I have said many times, they have my thanks and I will always have their backs. Most importantly. in my time as Attorney General we have restored and upheld the rule of law - a glorious tradition that each of us has a responsibility to safeguard. We have operated with integrity and have lawfully and aggressively advanced the policy agenda of this administration. I have been honored to serve as Attorney General and have worked to implement the law enforcement agenda based on the rule of law that formed a central part of your campaign for the Presidency. Thank you for the opportunity, Mr. President.
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Trump is in over his head... he just doesn't know it...
If you don't think Mueller had a plan for when Jeff Sessions was fired, then you don't understand Mueller. A new Acting Attorney General can't do anything if there are already sealed indictments, which there almost certainly are.
awesome8 · 6 years agopermalink · reply (1)
@awesome8: You're right. Trump must be really hiding something big to blatantly do this in the open... and right after the midterm elections. He knows, he's in bigger trouble now that the House is taken back by the Democrats.
Cryon · 6 years agopermalink · reply
WOW... Sessions fired? Trump must be really really concerned right now...
Mueller is probably about to lock him up and Trump is doing everything he can to fire him.
Robber · 6 years agopermalink · reply (1)
@Robber: Also, maybe Trump fired Jeff Sessions to bury the news of humiliating loss of the House GOP last night. Because it's well known that Trump want to fire Sessions even before the midterms. Trump just doesn't like getting humuliated. So he's humiliating Sessions instead.
Cryon · 6 years agopermalink · reply
Trump is rattled...
I'm not going to be surprised if he quits one of these days...
rockybalboa · 6 years agopermalink · reply (0)