What do you think of NSA leaker Edward Snowden? Is he a hero or a traitor? #NSA
Updated July 12, 2013 ● 477 views
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I think he's neither a hero or a traitor. I think he's confused and wanted attention. Look, the government will do what they have to do in order the ensure our nation's security. And we gonna have to live with the goverment monitoring our every move to find the terrorists who lives within us.
One thing I didn't like about Snowden is the way he disclosed these leaks. He went to Chinese territory and tell them what the NSA has been doing such as hacking the Chinese. I would have respected him if he did it in the US soil and face the music. He's looking more like a traitor in some people eyes.
RobG · 11 years ago permalink · reply (1)
@RobG: Are you serious? So you're ok with the goverment knowing everything we do. You are ok with the goverment knowing what you do online, sniffing your facebook, your phone calls, your email? This is a dangerous. This is too much power. Anyone having this power has the tendency to abuse it. Look at the IRS scandal!
To me Snowden is a hero! He got the guts to let the world know that the NSA is abusing its power!
MrHolland · 11 years ago permalink · reply
He is 29. He begged for a job and got it through a contractor company. Now he thinks that he is better than two Presidents, many vice-Presidents, many Secretaries of State, many Secretaries of Defence, both wings of the Congress which have authorised NSA to collect data and many judges who periodically supervise the data collection. He is a perverted and misguided human being who deserves to be caught and punished and punished severely.
FireHouse · 11 years ago permalink · reply (0)
What the government did was right and wrong. It helped save lives, whether they tell us they saved us or not. So what if someone listed in to my dirty phone chat? Did they go public and expose? No! Do they care after listening to me? No! The government should have told the public what they we're doing though, but sometimes, you need to snoop in order to catch your children in action.
Was Snowden wrong for releasing this information? No, but he did it the wrong way and he knows it, which is why he ran off. If he is innocent, the people would protect him from any unfair treatment. He knows what he did was wrong, just like a child doing something bad and knows it.
All in all, I'm glad I know what the government is doing and I hope this dude is caught as you can't go gunho like that in life as it may have a positive effect, but could bring a whole lot of bad things too!
Cryon · 11 years ago permalink · reply (0)
He is a hero. Anyone who exposes the lies that presidents, the military, the press and government officials constantly tell us is a hero.
Imahoe · 11 years ago permalink · reply (1)
@Imahoe: You need to face reality. Only stupid people doesn't know that the NSA is spying on us. What Snowden leaked is not surprising.
Conman · 11 years ago permalink · reply
Snowden has ruined his life by becoming a traitor. From his statements he really does not sound like a patriotic American, but a fellow against our country. He belongs any where else until found and prosecuted in America for what he has done. What a shame, when others are so happy to be in our country to do all they can to be the best that they can be.
Rubicon · 11 years ago permalink · reply (0)
He is, of course, an American traitor, unappreciative arrogant. He should be trialed in the US and deported to China after he pays his dues.
Conman · 11 years ago permalink · reply (0)
"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"
It is not Edward Snowdon who is on trial for "eavesdropping" as he merely leaked the surveillance information he had obtained. For which he admittedly is guilty as charged. It is the United States of America that are on trial for eavesdropping on its citizens on a grand scale.
“Until they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.” ? George Orwell, 1984
Kris · 11 years ago permalink · reply (0)
Snowden hides in China of all places and discloses Government secrets and now he's a "Hero"? We should give the Benedict Arnold relatives a public apology. Why are you so afraid that the government is spying on you? I've rather have the government going through my trash than having Putin or Kim or Lee. Fact: you can't take the fear out of fearful people, you will only intensify it. Live-Strong.
Nikki · 11 years ago permalink · reply (0)
His actions are definitely going to make the U.S hurt & with that all Americans will suffer so I am not going to call him a hero. However, I have become sick of the hubris the U.S government has exhibited towards privacy & freedoms in the name of the war on terror. Terms like secret courts & places like Guantanamo strikes me as extremely un-American. Tapping into personal information of millions Americans is the icing that makes the current U.S system look Orwellian so I am glad this came out. I hope there is something akin to the Frank Church committees to curtail these abuses someday soon but Snowden is something other than a hero.
UnoDos · 11 years ago permalink · reply (0)
A crime has been committed. And its by Snowden. He stole classified documents. He broke his pledge to maintain secrecy. He betrayed his country and family to run away to red china for profit. He should face the gallows.
I think he's neither a hero or a traitor. I think he's confused and wanted attention. Look, the government will do what they have to do in order the ensure our nation's security. And we gonna have to live with the goverment monitoring our every move to find the terrorists who lives within us.
One thing I didn't like about Snowden is the way he disclosed these leaks. He went to Chinese territory and tell them what the NSA has been doing such as hacking the Chinese. I would have respected him if he did it in the US soil and face the music. He's looking more like a traitor in some people eyes.
RobG · 11 years agopermalink · reply (1)
@RobG: Are you serious? So you're ok with the goverment knowing everything we do. You are ok with the goverment knowing what you do online, sniffing your facebook, your phone calls, your email? This is a dangerous. This is too much power. Anyone having this power has the tendency to abuse it. Look at the IRS scandal!
To me Snowden is a hero! He got the guts to let the world know that the NSA is abusing its power!
MrHolland · 11 years agopermalink · reply
He is 29. He begged for a job and got it through a contractor company. Now he thinks that he is better than two Presidents, many vice-Presidents, many Secretaries of State, many Secretaries of Defence, both wings of the Congress which have authorised NSA to collect data and many judges who periodically supervise the data collection. He is a perverted and misguided human being who deserves to be caught and punished and punished severely.
FireHouse · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)
What the government did was right and wrong. It helped save lives, whether they tell us they saved us or not. So what if someone listed in to my dirty phone chat? Did they go public and expose? No! Do they care after listening to me? No! The government should have told the public what they we're doing though, but sometimes, you need to snoop in order to catch your children in action.
Was Snowden wrong for releasing this information? No, but he did it the wrong way and he knows it, which is why he ran off. If he is innocent, the people would protect him from any unfair treatment. He knows what he did was wrong, just like a child doing something bad and knows it.
All in all, I'm glad I know what the government is doing and I hope this dude is caught as you can't go gunho like that in life as it may have a positive effect, but could bring a whole lot of bad things too!
Cryon · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)
He is a hero. Anyone who exposes the lies that presidents, the military, the press and government officials constantly tell us is a hero.
Imahoe · 11 years agopermalink · reply (1)
@Imahoe: You need to face reality. Only stupid people doesn't know that the NSA is spying on us. What Snowden leaked is not surprising.
Conman · 11 years agopermalink · reply
Snowden has ruined his life by becoming a traitor. From his statements he really does not sound like a patriotic American, but a fellow against our country. He belongs any where else until found and prosecuted in America for what he has done. What a shame, when others are so happy to be in our country to do all they can to be the best that they can be.
Rubicon · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)
He is, of course, an American traitor, unappreciative arrogant. He should be trialed in the US and deported to China after he pays his dues.
Conman · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)
"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"
It is not Edward Snowdon who is on trial for "eavesdropping" as he merely leaked the surveillance information he had obtained. For which he admittedly is guilty as charged. It is the United States of America that are on trial for eavesdropping on its citizens on a grand scale.
“Until they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.”
Kris · 11 years ago? George Orwell, 1984
permalink · reply (0)
Snowden hides in China of all places and discloses Government secrets and now he's a "Hero"? We should give the Benedict Arnold relatives a public apology. Why are you so afraid that the government is spying on you? I've rather have the government going through my trash than having Putin or Kim or Lee. Fact: you can't take the fear out of fearful people, you will only intensify it. Live-Strong.
Nikki · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)
His actions are definitely going to make the U.S hurt & with that all Americans will suffer so I am not going to call him a hero. However, I have become sick of the hubris the U.S government has exhibited towards privacy & freedoms in the name of the war on terror. Terms like secret courts & places like Guantanamo strikes me as extremely un-American. Tapping into personal information of millions Americans is the icing that makes the current U.S system look Orwellian so I am glad this came out. I hope there is something akin to the Frank Church committees to curtail these abuses someday soon but Snowden is something other than a hero.
UnoDos · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)
A crime has been committed. And its by Snowden. He stole classified documents. He broke his pledge to maintain secrecy. He betrayed his country and family to run away to red china for profit. He should face the gallows.
Alex · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)