What do you think of Miley Cyrus 'Wrecking Ball' music video? Is there too much sexuality in today's pop music culture? #MileyCyrus
Updated November 5, 2014 ● 742 views
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Yes. There is too much sexuality. This is just all about marketing. If you don't show your sexulity, you won't get notice and you won't be popular.
Do you think we're all gonna be talking about Miley Cyrus if she didn't do that twerking MTV performance with Robin Thicke? Do you think we're all gonna talk about this Wrecking Ball video if she wasn't naked? Exactly.
Robber · 11 years ago permalink · reply (1)
@Robber: Exactly. This is all about marketing. History shows who becomes successful in Music. Look at Madonna and Lady Gaga, they became so popular by being so provocative. And this is what Miley Cyrus is doing.
JenniMe · 11 years ago permalink · reply
I love the song but I think the video was just tasteless. But this is what sells right now. You can't blame her.
Yes. There is too much sexuality. This is just all about marketing. If you don't show your sexulity, you won't get notice and you won't be popular.
Do you think we're all gonna be talking about Miley Cyrus if she didn't do that twerking MTV performance with Robin Thicke? Do you think we're all gonna talk about this Wrecking Ball video if she wasn't naked? Exactly.
Robber · 11 years agopermalink · reply (1)
@Robber: Exactly. This is all about marketing. History shows who becomes successful in Music. Look at Madonna and Lady Gaga, they became so popular by being so provocative. And this is what Miley Cyrus is doing.
JenniMe · 11 years agopermalink · reply
I love the song but I think the video was just tasteless. But this is what sells right now. You can't blame her.
Allie22 · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)