#Movies: Pacific Rim Review: "It was awesome!"
Updated July 12, 2013 ● 626 views
Updated July 12, 2013 ● 626 views
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via gizmodo.com
Pacific Rim drops us in the last days of the Kaiju war, a battle between man and giant monster that's been escalating for the previous decade. The bulk of the early portion is spent in a base housing the last remaining Jaegers (giant robots for fighting said giant monsters) and their crews.
Pacific Rim is an incredible spectable to watch in IMAX 3D. Director Guillermo Del Toro has achieved his goal of bringing live action giant robots vs monsters to the big screen in an epic way! My only wish is that more screen time could have been given to the other Jaegers in the story. But even at over 2 hours, the gigantic battles and believable world-building only leaves me wanting more!
David · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)
Pacific Rim was a fun ride and del Toro knew exactly how to deliver a gritty, loud, and engaging film with some hints of casual drama, albeit the latter aspect was rather weak.
Regul8tor · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)
The Giant Monsters Vs. Giant Robots film we've been waiting for! Guillermo Del Toro delivers a big screen spectacle to behold, but also delivers a film that is emotionally hallow. The script has tons of flaws and all, but I had a damn good time seeing this film!
RossOne · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)
This is one of those few movies where in I felt like, damn, I should've watched it in imax or 3d. Best visual effects ever.
Kris · 11 years agopermalink · reply (1)
@Kris: You could see it again in IMAX... :)
Cryon · 11 years agopermalink · reply
Hmmm... a lot of good comments here. I might give it a chance and see this movie this weekend.
DeenoM · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)
It's not a bad movie... Despite the poor dialogue and predictable payoff... I had a lot of fun, it's a very entertaining movie, a little dark though!
Candy6 · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)
Pacific Rim is a typical block buster CGI film. The action sequences were amazing. The only problem with this film is the use of 16:9 aspect ratio format to present the film which make it too much close up, at some point we don't know what is going on during the fight scenes.
Cryon · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)
An enjoyable and action packed thrill ride that is Pacific Rim. I very much enjoyed this film. It had tonnes of epic action scenes that will keep you entertained for ages.
awesome8 · 11 years agopermalink · reply (0)