What are the scariest movies you've watched? #movies

Updated July 12, 2013 ● 664 views


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These are my favorites:

  1. The Grudge
  2. The Ring
  3. The Others
  4. Insidious
  5. Sinister
Dagger · 11 years ago
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@Dagger: i've seen these all. And yes they are all scary. Specially The Grudge!

Kristin · 11 years ago
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@Dagger: these are some pretty good list too.

Boondocks · 11 years ago
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@Dagger: I think Insidious is really scary.

Conman · 11 years ago
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@Dagger: Insidious is pretty scary!

Timmy · 11 years ago
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I've always like The Exorcist (1973) with Linda Blair.

JohnD · 11 years ago
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@JohnD: this is a classic scary movie! The scariest of all!

Imahoe · 11 years ago
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@JohnD: I think this is the scariest of all scary movies!

Allie22 · 11 years ago
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@JohnD: the first scary movie I've seen. Who can forget Linda Blair's vomit!?

Rubicon · 11 years ago
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The two scariest movies ive ever seen in their entirety (that will probably annoy more seasoned movie critics here) are the Texas Chainsaw Massacre of 2003 and Amityville Horror of 2005.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre scared me because it never lets up. Most horror movies give you a few moments to allow you to care about the characters, give you back-story and build tension, TCM just made you feel like you and everyone in the movie was going to die for the entirety of the movie, especially when you realize that the whole 'village' is in on it.

The Amityville Horror scared me because I grew up in an old house in a small(ish) town and the fact that more or less, this is based on a true (honestly, a quick google search will show you that it actually happened, though not quite as agrandized as the hollywood version) story and could have happened to anyone. Also, the end is perfect for a movie as scary as it is.

Nikki · 11 years ago
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The Decent - Claustrophobic cave monsters.
A Tale of Two Sisters - Best Asian style horror.
Noroi: The Curse - Mockumentary about a curse which becomes terrifying.
Session 9 - Abandoned mental asylum ghosts.
Eraserhead - David Lynch makes scenes that are terrifying.
Saw - First one is genuinely scary, thrilling, and near perfect imo.
Seven - Best serial killer movie ever made.
The Exorcism of Emily Rose - Great hybrid paranormal horror/court drama. Gets crazier when you know that no CGI is used when Emily Rose is contorting her face/body and freaking the hell out and Jennifer Carpenter is just that good of an actress.

Cryon · 11 years ago
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John Carpenter's The Thing (1982) ... my favorite scary alien movie of all time! 

Boondocks · 11 years ago
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Movies that genuinely creeped me out:

  1. Haunting in Connecticut
  2. Blair Witch
  3. What Lies Beneath
  4. Final Episode of Twin Peaks
Kris · 11 years ago
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I love some good horror films:

The Strangers. The Devil's Rejects. The Shining. The Mist. Silence of the Lambs. The Sixth Sense. The Descent. 1408. Signs. The Crazies (2010). The Hills Have Eyes (2006). 28 Days/Weeks Later. Dawn of the Dead (2004). Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 and 2. The Others. [Rec]. Let the Right One in/Let Me in (both versions were good). Hostel. Saw. 30 Days of Night. Martyrs. Wolf Creek. Trick r Treat. The Midnight Meat Train. Blair Witch. Frailty. Mirrors.

Lonely1 · 11 years ago
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I like The Woman In Black. It's got really great atmosphere, a solid ghost story, and some decent scares. Also, Daniel Radcliffe was actually pretty good in a role not as Harry Potter.

UnoDos · 11 years ago
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