#Business: China's Bernie Madoff (Zeng Chengjie) Was Executed for Fraud - and Nobody Told His Family

Updated July 15, 2013 ● 500 views
#Business: China's Bernie Madoff (Zeng Chengjie) Was Executed for Fraud - and Nobody Told His Family

Zeng Chengjie, a self-made businessman who pulled himself up by the bootstraps from abject poverty to become a powerful real estate developer, was showered with accolades and superfluous praises for most of his life. Zeng was executed on July 12, 2013 by lethal injection. His crimes were illegal fundraising activities and financial fraud.

via theatlantic.com



And this is where Snowden goes? A country that just kill it's people without even telling their families? USA is a far more better place than China and Russia.

RossOne · 11 years ago
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