Issues Faced by Children in India

Updated February 27, 2014 ● 1,316 views
Issues Faced by Children in India

Children are the future citizens of our nation. It is very important to give them a healthy environment to nurture and allow their ideas to channelize in the healthiest way possible. The Government of India also believes in this theory and has a framework within the Constitution of India.

There are many laws abided by the Government to preserve child rights and do every bit towards the welfare of children. Let us decode some laws meant for the welfare of children and try to define them.

The Child Rights and Child Protection section majorly works in enlightening people with the different work conducted under the act for children regionally and internationally. It is for all those who are interested in doing their little bit through CRCP, students, field workers, scholars, CHILDLINE staff and partners.

This particular section discusses the different kind of difficulties faced by children all over the world especially in India. It also highlights the programs, policy, legislature and allocation of budget done towards the welfare of children. The whole idea is to showcase the efforts taken towards state, national, regional and international level by the various bodies for the welfare of children. They also possess an extensive library of downloadable files that one can go through for better knowledge.  

There has always been a debate on defining a child. However the Indian law defines a child to be below the age of 14 years of age. It is the period between infancy and adulthood. And the following are the two acts that are majorly dealt with the Indian Constituency regarding children-Child Labor Prohibition and Regulation Act and Prohibition of Child Marriage.

Child Labor: It is one social evil that many underprivileged children are going through. Child labor is defined as any child below the age of 14 years is put to work under hazardous circumstances. Factories, chemical industries, cloth dying workshops etc. are the most common industries where children are put to work either with or against their consent. This social evil comes with many drawbacks than one can think of, as they are more psychological than physical.

Child Marriage: Not witnessed in metro cities or the urban zone but still quite a prevalent practice in the rural and remote areas of India. Many remote places in India still do not believe in educating the girl child and the only task they are considered worthy of is to look after the family by all means within the four walls of their house. Not much thought is given by parents before getting two adolescents married. The laws suggest 21 years of age for male and 18 years of age for female is considered to be apt for getting into a wed lock. A lot of thought and psychological backing is gone through in order to make it a law. However in many remote areas the practice of child marriage still prevails, owe to orthodox traditions or lack of believe in the system.

The scenario for children in many places in India is bad and needs supervision on an immediate basis. There are many NGOs and Government bodies working towards it though.


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