Smart Home #Office Design Idea

Updated April 29, 2014 ● 1,834 views
Smart Home #Office Design Idea

This is an efficient use of home office space for a small apartment. Standard workable desk. Simple bookshelf. And the bed where you sleep after a hard days work.

That folding bed will give you a lot of working space. One thing I like about my home office is plenty of room to walk. Obviously, you cannot do that when you have a tiny studio apartment. So that folding bed works really well. You sleep there at night. You walk there during the day when you can't figure out what you should be working on. Haha.

Let me know what you guys think about this home office design idea.




Very nice home office design idea...

I really like that folding bed... it makes the home office larger.

Christina · 10 years ago
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