How fertile women in their 30's? Who knows? We are still using the 300-year-old #fertility statistics
Updated January 18, 2015 ● 460 views
Health Board.
Take this often-cited statistic: one out of three women over the age of 35 will not have conceived after a year of trying.
"The data on which that statistic is based is from 1700s France. They put together all these church birth records and then came up with these statistics about how likely it was [someone would] get pregnant after certain ages."
How fertile women in their 30's? Who knows? We are still using the 300-year-old #fertility statistics
Updated January 18, 2015 ● 460 views
Health Board.
Take this often-cited statistic: one out of three women over the age of 35 will not have conceived after a year of trying.
"The data on which that statistic is based is from 1700s France. They put together all these church birth records and then came up with these statistics about how likely it was [someone would] get pregnant after certain ages."