#Gaming: #Nintendo's 3DS '#StreetPass' games makes $4 million in a month

Updated August 7, 2013 ● 533 views
#Gaming: #Nintendo's 3DS '#StreetPass' games makes $4 million in a month

Besides all being 3DS titles available for $5 (or $15 if you buy all four as a bundle), what all of these games have in common is they use something called "StreetPass," Nintendo's inventive geolocation-based feature for the 3DS. StreetPass allows you to collaborate with your fellow players.

via nbcnews.com



I think Nintendo should just stick with 3DS and abandon Wii. With the popularity of mobile games, people are no longer interested with kids console.

Obviously they are not competing with Xbox and Playstation. So think they should just focus on mobile gaming such as the 3DS.

Dagger · 11 years ago
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