This is Steve Bannon's worst nightmare

Updated May 21, 2017 ● 1,434 views
This is Steve Bannon's worst nightmare

This week, President Donald Trump brought with him his close ally in Saudi Arabia. The person who wants all Muslim banned from entering America. That is Steve Bannon.

As you can see his reaction during a meeting with all the Saudi's dignitaries, he is visibly scared. Steve looks like he's about to have a meltdown.




Why would Trump bring Bannon with him?

Looks like some of the Muslim men there are giving him the look. I think they really want to beat up. hahaha

rockybalboa · 7 years ago
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@rockybalboa: Steve must have gotten a lot of angry looks. But you really wonder, why would Trump bring Steve Bannon in a country of Muslims when it is known that he's a Islamophobe?

Robber · 7 years ago
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