3 Videos of John Cena Working Out at the Gym
Updated September 8, 2015 ● 1,196 views
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Maybe you need some fitness inspiration from big WWE stars. Here are 3 videos of John Cena working out in a gym. Get some idea on the proper form of these exercises.
1. Dumbbell Bench Press
Let yourself be the judge on whether you're ready, not anyone else. #SummerSlam @TapouT #NGU pic.twitter.com/dE9eCHqZ4m
— John Cena (@JohnCena) August 15, 2015
2. Barbell Deadlift
Your time can be spent wondering or it can be spent doing. What's your choice today? #NGU @TapouT pic.twitter.com/O1uTMBBfqZ
— John Cena (@JohnCena) August 30, 2015
3. Barbell Swing
Successes are earned by completing even the smallest of tasks. #NGU @TapouT pic.twitter.com/23pIptiv2c
— John Cena (@JohnCena) September 4, 2015
John Cena is the man!
I wish him the best! I hope he gets success in Hollywood just like The Rock.
Dagger · 9 years agopermalink · reply (0)