Alec Baldwin Arrested in #NYC After Allegedly Punching Man Over Parking Space
November 2, 2018 ● 543 views
November 2, 2018 ● 543 views
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Alec Baldwin was arrested at around 1:30 p.m. Friday afternoon after a fight in New York over a parking space. A law enforcement source said that Baldwin was taken into custody after a dispute with another man over a parking space in West Village. Baldwin is believed to have struck the other man, and was subsequently placed under arrest, while the victim was taken to a local hospital.
He just denied on Twitter that he punched someone...
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Some people are going to have a field day with this news.
kaylee · 6 years agopermalink · reply (0)
NYC... no surprise!
That's why you don't own a car in NYC. There's literally no parking in the city. You end up in fights finding one.
Robber · 6 years agopermalink · reply (0)