Rihanna slams Snapchat for mocking her assault in a company ad
March 16, 2018 ● 351 views
March 16, 2018 ● 351 views
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via cnn.com
Rihanna responds to Snapchat's apology for an advertisement that appeared to mock her domestic violence incident with her former boyfriend, Chris Brown. A lot of people didn't like what Snapchat did here. I guess the app is losing a lot of users and desperate retain existing once.
After Rihanna blasted Snapchat on rival app Instagram, Snapchat lost $800 Million on stock value. The same thing happened when Kylie Jenner mentioned she hated Snapchat's latest update. The company stock value dropped $1.3 Billion!
Snapchat is really desperate now...
They are losing a lot of users. Ever since Instagram stories launched, users are abandoning them. Now they shoot themselves in the foot by pissing off Rihanna... once of their users. It's just sad.
JJfad · 7 years agopermalink · reply (0)
This is why I don't use Snapchat than I used to.
I also hate their latest update... everything is public now. Unlike before where only my friends sees my updates. Now people can see my snap in a map!!?
kaylee · 7 years agopermalink · reply (0)