Gigi Hadid tweet an apology for mocking Melania Trump
Updated November 27, 2016 ● 397 views
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Gigi Hadid receive some backlash for mocking the soon to be First Lady Melania Trump. Gigi mocked during the American Music Awards mocked Melania Trump for plagiarising Michelle Obama's speech.
"I removed or changed anything in the script that I felt took the joke too far, and whether or not you choose to see it, what remained was done in good humor and with no bad intent." Gigi wrote.
"I believe Melania understands show business and the way shows are written and run." Gigi added.
Gigi apologized to people she might have offended and wished the best for our country.
Gigi Hadid tweet an apology for mocking Melania Trump
Updated November 27, 2016 ● 397 views
Discover latest and trending entertainment stories, featuring movies, music, tv, and sports celebrity news. Know the hottest gossips in hollywood.
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Gigi Hadid receive some backlash for mocking the soon to be First Lady Melania Trump. Gigi mocked during the American Music Awards mocked Melania Trump for plagiarising Michelle Obama's speech.
"I removed or changed anything in the script that I felt took the joke too far, and whether or not you choose to see it, what remained was done in good humor and with no bad intent." Gigi wrote.
"I believe Melania understands show business and the way shows are written and run." Gigi added.
Gigi apologized to people she might have offended and wished the best for our country.