Kim Kardashian is now on Snapchat!

September 28, 2015 ● 19,707 views
Kim Kardashian is now on Snapchat!
Kim Kardashian Snapchat username

So everyone has been searching for Kim Kardashian's Snapchat username.

You wouldn't find it because Kim hasn't made it public yet. But Kim is definitely on Snapchat.

She recently tweeted that she's testing Snapchat.


So it looks like she's just looking how she's going to use Snapchat to market her brand.

Let's just stay tune. I'm pretty sure, Kim will make her Snapchat username public.

She got so many fans who are looking forward to see her snapchats.


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What's her user name?


PrincessLauren · 9 years ago
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@PrincessLauren: It's @KimKardashian

Kaye1 · 9 years ago
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Kim Kardashian Snapchat Username @KimKardashian

Kim Kardashian Snapchat Username @KimKardashian Kaye1 · 9 years ago
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Kim should stop using social media. Let her younger sister take over their shit i don't know why they're so popular.

Ronn · 9 years ago
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