Dizkover Introduce A New Feature Called "Match Me"!

Updated September 1, 2014 ● 2,324 views
Dizkover Introduce A New Feature Called "Match Me"!
Match Me

We know most of you wants to get hookup with a special friend! This is why we came up with a new feature called "Match Me"! Dizkover will match you with someone you would really be interested in and filters out members you would probably reject.

How does Match Me work?

Dizkover will match you based on you match criteria. So instead of wasting your time browsing and friending each and every members, all you need to do is define in your match criteria the person you might be interested to meet.

For now, you can specify the following criteria. We are working on additional criterias.

  • Interest (e.g.: Any Chat, Clean Chat, Naughty Chat... etc)
  • Age Range
  • Gender
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Relationship Status
  • Ethnicity

If we find that specific member profile, you will see them on your "Match" list. You will only see members who matched you in their match criteria. Therefore, the likelihood that you will get a Mutual Match is high!

If you are interested in your potential match, just request "Match Me" and the other member will be notified. If that other member is also interested, both of you are "Mutual Match".

If you haven't done so, update your Match Criteria in chat profile settings.

Goodluck and we hope you get matched with that cool guy or girl!





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