In few days, we will be updating the website to improve the frontpage posts feed. Once implemented, users should see posts from the following:
Channels you follow.
People you follow.
This upcoming enhancement would also give users option to post user status in addition to posting on specific channels. We are also working on improving the profile page by displaying multiple user photos on their profile page.
If you have any feature suggestions, feel free to reply below.
#WebsiteUpdate: Upcoming Frontpage Posts Feed Enhacement
June 16, 2014 ● 416 views
Dizkover Blogs.
In few days, we will be updating the website to improve the frontpage posts feed. Once implemented, users should see posts from the following:
This upcoming enhancement would also give users option to post user status in addition to posting on specific channels. We are also working on improving the profile page by displaying multiple user photos on their profile page.
If you have any feature suggestions, feel free to reply below.