#Sports: What is Dallas Stars' Jamie Benn Snapchat username?

February 15, 2017 ● 1,542 views
#Sports: What is Dallas Stars' Jamie Benn Snapchat username?
Jamie Benn Snapchat


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You can see Jamie Benn on Snapchat @starsnhl

I'm not sure if Jamie Benn is actually using Snapchat but if you follow his team Dallas Stars... you would see him there a lot. Dalls Stars account on Snapchat is @starsnhl

Jamie Benn on Snapchat @starsnhl

Jamie Benn on Snapchat @starsnhl

Snapchat · 7 years ago
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I don't watch hockey but this on good looking hockey player...

He should not get into hockey fights and take care of his face. Is he a really good player to be famous?

rockybalboa · 7 years ago
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