#Politics: Did Trump asked Gen. Michael Flynn to talk to the Russian Ambassador about Obama's sanctions on Moscow?

February 14, 2017 ● 605 views

The embattled Gen. Michael Flynn has resigned as National Security adviser after news broke that he did talk to Russian Ambassador about the sanctions that then President Obama is about to impose on Russia. Was Trump behind all this? Did Trump asked Flynn to speak to the Russian ambassador to the US?


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They should investigate Flynn right away before Putin gets to him...

You know Putin. Het gets people killed. Investiage Flynn before it's too late.

HenryD · 8 years ago
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Trump might be behind all this...

Conway came out and said Trump has full confidence in him. Trump must be the one behind the talks with Russian ambassador. Flynn probably relayed a message to not worry about the santion and Trump will reverse it when he enters the White House. Flynn needs to be investigated and spill the truth.

Cryon · 8 years ago
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