Would you pay $100 million for this Modigliani nude painting?
September 4, 2015 ● 519 views
September 4, 2015 ● 519 views
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via money.cnn.com
Christie's hopes to get $100 million for a century-old nude by the famous bohemian painter Amedeo Modigliani.
If I'm wealthy... I might. If it would be a good investment.
olive · 9 years agopermalink · reply (0)
I would..
If i got 100 billion
Regul8tor · 9 years agopermalink · reply (0)
Just give me 1 million and i'll make you a better nude painting.
rockybalboa · 9 years agopermalink · reply (0)
Why would anyone pay 100 million for this?
I wish I'm that wealthy to pay that kind of money for a painting...
JJfad · 9 years agopermalink · reply (0)