You can share anything here that is related to iPhone (iOS) apps.
Who is the iPhoneApps channel for?
This channel is for anyone who wants to promote their iOS apps. We know it's difficult to get noticed on the iTunes App Store. This channel will help your iOS app gain some traction as it gets exposed to this social community.
Posting Guideline in iPhone Apps:
#Category: iPhone App Title
#Question: Your question related to iPhone apps.
Happier helps you stay more present and positive throughout the day. Our Apple Watch app is like your personal mindfulness coach -- use it to lift your mood, take a quick meditation pause, or capture and savor the small happy moments that you find in your day.
#HealthAndFitness: Happier
June 30, 2015 ● 770 views
Welcome to iPhoneApps Channel
You can share anything here that is related to iPhone (iOS) apps.
Who is the iPhoneApps channel for?
This channel is for anyone who wants to promote their iOS apps. We know it's difficult to get noticed on the iTunes App Store. This channel will help your iOS app gain some traction as it gets exposed to this social community.
Posting Guideline in iPhone Apps:
Happier helps you stay more present and positive throughout the day. Our Apple Watch app is like your personal mindfulness coach -- use it to lift your mood, take a quick meditation pause, or capture and savor the small happy moments that you find in your day.