Apple's iOS 10.3.3 Is Ready for Download
July 20, 2017 ● 285 views
July 20, 2017 ● 285 views

Apple tpday released iOS 10.3.3 for download. The download size of iOS 10.3.3 update will vary based on the device and carrier you have. But it appears to be between 80-100MB. iOS 10.3.3 includes bug fixes and improves the security of your iPhone or iPad.
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Is it ok to update iOS when you're traveling out of the country?
Regul8tor · 7 years agopermalink · reply (1)
@Regul8tor: I think it's ok to update iOS wherever you are as long as you're connected to the internet. But if you're roaming, I suggest doing the update on WiFi to save you data usage.
tech · 7 years agopermalink · reply