Snapchat users are losing interest and they are on the decline

Updated March 7, 2017 ● 2,671 views
Snapchat users are losing interest and they are on the decline
Google Snapchat Search Downward Trend

The Rise of Snapchat

In the last few years, we have seen the explosion of Snapchat's popularity. Many celebrities jumped in the bandwagon and started using Snapchat to reach their audience. But now, the party is about to fizzle.

In recent years, we've been monitoring the rise of Snapchat. The app mystified a lot of people because of it's unique feature of disappearing stories. This is why Snapchat became the favorite app by creepy teenagers who first fueled its rise in popularity.

But the sudden explosion of Snapchat was not really all about the feature. It's more about the celebrities who suddenly joined the app. The celebrities helped Snapchat grow their userbase.They helped promote Snapchat on Twitter, on Instagram, and in news.

Because of celebrities, Snapchat was in constant social media news cycle. People talked about what Kylie Jenner or Selena Gomez posted on Snapchat.

Instagram Stories

The meteoric rise of Snapchat really began in 2015. Slowed down a bit in 2016 but still rising. But it is now declining slowly since Instagram released Stories in late 2016.

If you look a side by side comparison of people searching for Snapchat and Instagram in Google Trends, Snapchat search is now trending down since Stories launched while Instagram search continues to trend upward. And if you search particularly for "Celebrity Snapchat," it dropped dramatically. People are no longer interested in celebrities on Snapchat.

So what is happening? Instagram Stories stole Snapchat's thunder.

Snapchat Decline

But don't blame Instagram, blame Snapchat. They continued to keep Snapchat a mysterious platform where it's very hard to find people to connect. They made it purely a platform among close friends. Snapchat did not adapt to what users are looking for. That is creators and their content. 

Creators is what made YouTube and Instagram. Who are these creators? Celebrities are the number one creators. Shaun Mcbride aka @shonduras, who is one of the pioneer creators on Snapchat complained that it's hard for creators to get verified. On Snapchat, they add an emoji alongside your username if you are a verified celebrity. But for other creators, it's not possible to be verified. So where is he now? He's on YouTube and killing it with almost a million followers.

Snapchat has miserably failed on the opportunity to compete with YouTube and Instagram. They should have added a feature to easily find creators, but they did not. Snapchat focused more on personal appeal. But are people really interested on what their friends do more than what Selena Gomez or The Kardashians does? If you look at the success of YouTube and Instagram, the latter is true.

But don't worry. If you're still looking for Celebrity Snapchat, you can find them here on Dizkover. That's why we created Dizkover in the first place. To help people find other people on Snapchat.

1.) Google Instagram vs Snapchat Search
Google Instagram vs Snapchat Search



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It's just a matter of time...

To be honest, I hate Snapchat's UI. The swipe up, left, up, down... in all direction is confusing. Sometimes you get lost and you don't know how to get to Discover section where I just want to read some articles.

The problem with their swipe is that sometimes it takes 2 swipes where you end up in chat. I'm not interested to chat with anyone!

awesome8 · 7 years ago
permalink · reply (0)

Snapchat has been declining in the past couple of months and here's the proof

This blog post shows the dramatic decline in "celebrity snapchat" searches.

Snapchat has been declining in the past couple of months and here's the proof admin · 7 years ago
permalink · reply (0)

I don't even understand how to use Snapchat...

I tried to use the app and I'm just confused. I think the app is just designed for teens. It's not for old people. So they are limiting their market share. Facebook is still the king.

Startup · 7 years ago
permalink · reply (0)

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